Sunday, 14 August 2016

Lecture 9 - Week 5 - Interim Critique 2

Critique - 

This class critique is very mixed ideas, they are very contradictory and I am feeling more confused than I felt going into this critique.

Critique by class feedback:

The eye poster is un-clear about the topic, you can't tell until you read the smaller body text. 
Imagery is not clear and the posters are advertising more something similar to diversity, need to make the poster imagery more specific to education.
The eye poster is visually engaging as it draws in the eyes. 
The kids aren't in scale and don't really pull you in enough.
The kids poster is too complicated you don't understand without body text. 
Look at your alignments.
Too many font sizes.

Personal Crit:

Going through other class's works I think that they have really amazing colour schemes with strong type. From their type I have come to the idea that I now need to try some different compositions and really refine my type stronger. The use of CAPITALS is also a technique other posters have which would make my poster more engaging. 

The type and colours in this stream are really bold and successful.

For next Monday - 

I need to have my poster down packed, all the type and ideas need to be really well visually refined. 
You have to mount your poster on card with the rationale on the back, need to contact printing companies and find turn-around time for an A2 poster. 
Also try photoshopping poster onto wall - on stream, giving some context to the poster and seeing if it will stand out against other presidents. 

Developing ideas post - critique: 

This poster is a development from my previous critique, I think it makes a lot more sense than 'hello' and works much more successfully. The use of the pencil also gives a further link to the idea surrounding literacy, writing etc.

I went and got a critique from Matt on this, he thinks the composition is nice but the eyes are nearly boring and too simplistic as you loose their impact as you just read the green colour. This is something I can develop further as well.

With my second poster which I am yet to develop Matt thinks I need to really refine and make sure my threshold on each of my characters works well. Also work on the scale and the composition of the children. Also change up the colour and develop this further.

For class on Thursday:

- These two ideas should really be refined in their final stages. They need to clearly represent my topic and bang through the ideas.
- Maybe it will be helpful even to go back and look at more research.
- Also here I am at the point I need to go back through the design brief and check I am fulfilling the requirements and have executed all the learning outcomes.

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