Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Lecture 6 - Week 3

Short lecture - type/image relationship - Inspiration vs. plagiarism.

Top works get published on the streets! 

Provoke - What is the relationship between the imagery and the text. Text re-inforces image but provokes a thought. 
Elaborate - The type and image works together to tell something together. 
Reinforce - The type re-inforces the image. With a call to action - do this.
Contradict - The image says the oppose type says we need to stop this. 
Elaborate/Provoke - Brutal/Gruuesume. The type sinks it back down to the image. 
Contradict/provoke - Take the opportunity and reach for the stairs. 

You need a heading, call to action and a tagline. Backing with a statistic. body copy. 

Inspiration vs. plagiarism -

 Bring ideas together into a new idea, take three things you like and then use parts of each to create a composition together. 

Blogs - 

Direct marking criteria. Synthesis - the entire process. It isa bout your processing and what you’re doing. 

Tutorial - 

Settle on a design idea and use this to tease out two designs from, you need to be moving forward and thinking about your key words and imagery then develop and refine this.

You have a concept/concept idea then show how you will show this. 

You have a lot of time to create this poster and make it look nice and well resolved. 

After this I am now thinking I would really like some statistical facts to incorporate into my poster. 

Further research - Facts to incorporate:

95% of children go to an ECE service - This is not compulsory 
free between the ages of 5 and 19 at state schools
Schooling is compulsory from age 6 to 16. Your child can start school on the day they turn 5 years old (they do not have to wait until the start of a new school year). Most children stay at school until they are around 17.
Overall, 69.4 percent of children attended school regularly in term two last year, up slightly from 68.7 in 2014. - This is people who attend school over 90% of the time. 

Overall 77% of New Zealand students achieved NCEA level 2 or above in 2014, compared with 68% in 2009.
63% in the most disadvantaged areas still did. 
13% of students leave high-school with no qualifications. 87% of students leave high-school with some form of qualification. 

I am looking at child poverty stats in New Zealand and although there is always going to never be full equality, to have 87% of students leaving school with a qualification, and everyone must be enrolled in schooling this is a pretty good statistic. 

According to UNESCO, 61 million primary school-age children were not enrolled in school in 2010. Of these children, 47% were never expected to enter school, 26% attended school but left, and the remaining 27% are expected to attend school in the future.

The African continent, however, has areas with less than 50% literacy among children ages 18 and under. Where as New Zealand has between 90-100%.

Everyone has a right to education, just not everyone gets to take up that right all over the world. In New Zealand its a right and its compulsory. All children in New Zealand MUST attend schooling. 

Statements to use/incorporate in my posters - Looking at heading, tagline and call to action.

These facts are really interesting and will help me to come up with some new ideas, I think I need to be focusing more around factual information. 

Further concept - idea branching from statement I thought of - 

Looking at facts and headlines which I could use. I have decided I need to focus on finding a clear argument to use and then really go in-depth with this argument before starting to visually refine my ideas. 

I liked one of the headlines I thought of so did a quick mockup of this - 
This is a really quick mockup idea being of a child from a homeless background still having the equal access to an education with schooling as he gets onto a school bus. This idea is something that I think is quite interesting as it shows that all children in New Zealand have the same ways to get into education. If I were to continue this idea I could use the idea of the school bus to relate the two posters and have one concept from a poor view and one from a rich view and express the ideas that whatever background you can still have the same rights to the one school and education. 

In class critique - 

Discussion - notes:

My discussion/critique with Jacquie:

We talked about my topic and my concept ideas, from these Jacquie said I need to really figure out where I stand and my position as my posters put more of a questioning on this topic.

My position: 
In New Zealand we all have equal access to state funded education. 
All children residing in New Zealand have to go to school, and have access to state education. 

The best way to say this:
A statement - globally focused
A counter statement - New Zealand focused
With an action/message/celebratory statement
For example:
47% of the worlds children are never expected to enter school. 
100% of New Zealand's children are. 
Let's celebrate our privileges globally. 

What I am saying I must use logos and ethos predominantly. My topic is commonly argued so therefore I need to have strong factual information that convince and endorse what we have, so readers see my posters and think, yes we do. 

You can quote sources on your posters, so really source the information I find. 

New Zealand is an equal society - everyone has the same access to the same stuff. This is a logical argument that needs to be told through comparisons. 

Target audience:
People in their early 20's going onto raising children, to make them aware New Zealand is a good place for people to raise children. 

I should keep my work race and gender neutral. 

To do from here:

- Go back to the statements, these concepts have helped me to come up with some ideas but now I am needing to go back and really refine the statements, information and wording on the posters. 
- Create 10 comparative statements - fact, counter fact and message/action + organisation. 
- Create 10 developments from these new 10 statements

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