Monday, 22 August 2016

Final Posters + Rationale

Final Poster 1 -

 Final Poster 2 -

Rationale - 

In response to Ihi Wehi I have created two persuasive posters that communicate New Zealand having an equal education system. One that gives everyone the right to have literacy skills, learning to read and write - comparing NZ to other countries where only the privileged attend school.  My concept is to celebrate our state education as it means equally everyone in New Zealand will learn and attend schooling. 

My audience is people who are thinking about having children or already have young children, it is a poster which communicates the idea of bringing up children in New Zealand. It means potential children are going to have an equal chance from our quality state education system. They are targeted through my two posters with the imagery used, such as children’s eyes, faces and the ‘drawing’ feel of the uniforms, this target audience would be drawn to imagery surrounding children. 

My design concept of poster one responds to my chosen subject matter of education through the use of eyes as a representation of the convention used to read. The poster is predominantly photographic with the use of overlays and illustrative eyes to add texture and depth to the design. The use of colour in this poster helps to create visual hierarchy and flow, as when viewing the poster you are firstly drawn to the bright orange eyes, then read the red heading and bold subheading then flow downwards onto the body text, leaving the poster with the call to action being the hashtag “celebrateNZeducation”. This poster relies strongly on a logos argument to persuade through factual information, the Ihi in this poster is the physical eyes and colour, drawing you to read the poster. The Wehi is the emotions you feel such as grateful and uplifted once you have read the poster and understood that we are lucky to be in New Zealand a country with such a great education system.

The design concept of my second poster uses threshold techniques to turn images into something similar to drawings. The use of the children in school uniforms, which appear to be hand drawn, enforces the idea of learning and drawing being a convention of literacy. The happy children relates to pathos as viewers feel as though, with the use of the logos text, these children from different backgrounds have equal opportunities at a good education in New Zealand as they appear as equals. The type is bright red which draws you to the poster to read its subject and then with the red hashtag your eyes bounce up to the top to then read the body copy, this hierarchy helps to read the poster in an upbeat, uplifting manner which leaves you inspired by our country.

In the 'real world' - 

Mounted posters - 

Lecture 11 - Homework - Final development

Colour Scheme - Poster 2 - Refinement:

Now after seeing my poster like this I believe the red colour I did try with my poster is actually more successful and I believe it stands out more as a poster design. 

The red is slightly harder to read, but I believe the poster really has much more impact as it is brighter. The key words in red also show the importance of this message and the main words link to the call to action of the hashtag. 


These two posters I am happy with, they both go cohesively with one another saying the same idea, but have different visual styles. They both express the idea of New Zealand's education system giving people an equal opportunity at getting a good education and learning to read compared to the rest of the world.
The left poster is predominantly photographic with the use of overlays and illustrative eyes to add texture and depth to the design, eyes are commonly seen as a representation of literacy, but in the way I have manipulated them I believe they look more to be the way you read and how you use your eyes to see and learn and your eyes are the things which make direct contact with the pages. 
My second poster uses threshold techniques to turn images into something similar to drawings, with the use of the children in school uniforms which appear to be hand drawn enforcing the idea of learning and drawing being a convention of literacy. The use of happy children relates to Pathos as you react and feel as though these children from different backgrounds have equal opportunities at a good education in New Zealand. 

These posters have developed far and I believe now I am happy with the final products I will take them to the printers.

Print ready - 

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Lecture 11 - Week 6

Lecture - Mounting and printing

Layout the documents side to side on an A1 print or have separate prints on A2.

When handing in -

Double side tape on top
White sheet over top
Rationale + Photo of wall with photos photoshopped
Rationale 150 words for each poster?

Thursday 9am - Everything finished for handing in.

Tutorial -

Getting a final critique before sending to the printers - 

Looking at the posters in the 'real world', they both stand out over other posters and look clear and legible. They draw in your eyes with the green and yellow contrast.


Jacquie said just slightly tweak the body text but otherwise the posters clearly represent the ideas.

Matt said visually it looks resolved. As long as I have experimented the colours well... I believe throughout this development I have changed the colour scheme many times and this is the best - resolved idea.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Lecture 10 - Homework - Final developments

Slight type developments - Poster 1:

Slight type developments - Poster 2:

Trying the different colour ideas and seeing how this colour looks for this design. I feel as though the contrast is too strong and not successful. 

Final two to take into final class critique Monday:

These final two posters look much more refined and clear. They have better type and align nicely to the grids I have placed.

I hope my critique on Monday goes really well and I believe these are looking well resolved now. 

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Lecture 10 - Week 5

Critique with Jacquie and Matt:

From this critique I have a lot of points to work on - see notes. From here I will develop it before the end of class and then get another critique on this and hope this is well resolved.

Developing further:

Developed the eye - this is now more balances and looks more interesting and less distracting.

Looking and ensuring my work fits within my grid.

Lightening the orange eye a little bit more and really refining the type layout.

Slightly darkening the white and making this less bright and distracting.

Starting to change and develop the type further.

This text layout is nicer but the overlapping of the legs with the text is distracting, the colours look much nicer together.

This is starting to look better and the text with the image is working together more.

This I thought I would try but I really don't like the different text sizes and they are a bit too distracting.

This is looking like a much better layout, you read the text and then follow through to the much smaller type of the hash tag

This works better with the use of bigger type and the body copy text works well. 

This aligns to the grid as well. I am feeling confident with these two designs and will make some minor changes over the weekend so I can go and print the two designs next Monday.

Crit with Matt before class finishes:

They are looking better, but think about the alignment the text, size and colour and the positioning. This is very close to completion and starting to look resolved.

Try with the second poster having the people in-front of the text? and the colour scheme is a bit boring.