Sunday, 24 July 2016

Lecture 3 - Week 2

Lecture 3 - 

Citizen designer - Graphic design as a voice for change.

Ideology - The idea of politics or key points 
The designers/artists choosing the image for a reason and using that. 

Anti-war - playing on existing presidents and playing on the war as something and using symbolism

Human rights - Topically around the problems and expressing these arguments through type. 

The environment - Using environmental issues and comparing them to other negative things to get through the clear message. 

Social issues - looking at issues which relate to a wide range of people

In the brief - 

This is very broad, you need to go and find a subject that interests you, you need to familiar yourself with these issues, you cannot rely on general knowledge, you need to have a deep understanding of your topic and your clear issue and what you can say about this issue. 

Map this out and decide what you really want to say in your topic. 

Tutorial - 

Group discussion of topics with feedback from the group summarising your ideas into one sentence:

The feedback I received from my group:

This was really valuable, and I found my groups feedback important and helpful in summarising my topic.
I still need to go much more in-depth with my research and refine my ideas to a clear theme. 

Exercise - 

Key words and quotes developing key sketches - 9 completed, need 2 more sheets before next class.

For next week:

- Research, continue investigating argument, clarify argument and get specific about your topic 
- Continue researching presidents - including using visual communication techniques 
- Create 27 thumbnail sketches over the three topic choices, maybe choose two best ideas and develop these blown up and more refined.
- Continue documenting your information

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